Upcoming events

“The Crisis of Art Criticism” Panel
Sunday, September 15 at 6pm EST / 5pm CST / 3pm PST.
This event was live streamed and recorded. Watch it here.
Caesura hosts an online panel on THE CRISIS OF ART CRITICISM, featuring Sean Tatol of The Manhattan Art Review, Troy Sherman of Midwest Art Quarterly, and Gareth Thomas Kaye of Chicago Spleen.
The panelists will respond to the prompt below, followed by an audience Q&A.
The crisis of art criticism, festering now since at least the 90s, has reached such a state of decomposition that it can no longer be ignored by the established players — those few remaining — who see their own raison d’être quickly slipping away. Without funding, audience, or telos, nearly all critical writing on art has been reduced to a few lines on the artist’s CV sent out by galleries to prospective collectors as a kind of credential or stamp of approval. Recognizing the need to escape this stagnation, a new kind of publication has quietly emerged in the past couple of years, championing a return to actually ‘critical’ criticism, unabashed and seemingly unhindered by the intellectual baggage of the academy, with its emphasis on identity and half-baked postmodern theory. Instead, they have tried to resurrect quality as the proper measure for the value of art and judgment as the essential task of the critic. But if the assumptions of contemporary art discourse can longer be counted on, what criteria can the critic rely on for judgment? Does the situation call for a return to old standards — and which? Or do we need new ways of conceptualizing the quality of art? And how to develop these? What should critics’ relationship to artists look like? To the schools, residencies, programs, etc. where artists are educated? To the galleries and museums that show and invest in the work? In the long run, what is the goal of criticism? Who is its audience? What can it do? Can the crisis of criticism be overcome without changing the kind of art that is made and promoted today? Can criticism lead the way out?

Divagations 2
Join us for Divagations 2 on Wednesday, November 30 at Tailfeather (581 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, NY), 7pm. Featuring Peter Cole, Billie Chernicoff, and Barry Schwabsky.

Divagations 1
Join us for Divagations 1 on Tuesday, October 25 at Tailfeather (581 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, NY), 7pm. Featuring Mónica de la Torre, Callie Garnett, and Jared Daniel Fagen.

Gabriel Almeida & Harriet Korman in Conversation
Join us as Gabriel Almeida and Harriet Korman discuss New Work, Korman’s solo exhibition currently on view at Thomas Erben Gallery.
The discussion will take place in the gallery beginning at 6:30pm EST.

Issue 1 Release — Chicago
Join us to celebrate the release of our inaugural print issue!
Poetry reading by Grant Tyler.

Issue 1 Release — LA
Join us in Los Angeles to celebrate the release of our inaugural print issue!
Poetry readings by Carlos Lara & Mia Ruf.

Issue 1 Launch — NYC
Join us to celebrate the release of our inaugural print issue!
Poetry readings by Billie Chernicoff & Joel Newberger.

Live Critiques
Join us for our first round of critiques! Want your work critiqued but missed the deadline? Click here to submit for next month!

Jon Rafman: Dream Journal - Screening and Panel Discussion
Join Caesura magazine as we shine a spotlight on Jon Rafman’s most controversial artwork. Dream Journal 2016-2019 is a feature-length film about the chaos, agony, and excitement of the internet age. Through a series of dream episodes, an archetypical millennial embarks on an epic journey, encountering absurd dystopian characters and surreal landscapes. Jon Rafman’s fantastical CGI universe comprises video game aesthetics, dark-web anxiety, sub- and pop-cultural memes, ancient mythologies, and obscure art history references. Vaporwave pioneers Daniel Lopatin and James Ferraro composed the soundtrack of this Dantean journey into contemporary hell. Recently featured in the 2019 Venice Biennale, Rafman’s nightmarish work is a tale of the mass deception accompanying the loss of historical meaning in the present.
Caesura will present screenings of Jon Rafman’s Dream Journal 2016-2019 along with a critical discussion of the work. The video will be streamed four times between Friday, October 30th and Sunday, November 1st. A live roundtable will take place on Sunday, November 1st at 1:00 PM EST to reflect on Dream Journal and its significance for art in the 21st century. This unique partnership and exhibition event reflects a mutual commitment—between artist and journal—to a critical investigation of the possibilities of art today.
As the first event in Caesura’s “Art of Conversation” series, where participants discuss a single artwork together, the roundtable will strive to foster a critical exchange focused on Dream Journal as an object of aesthetic experience.
Vanessa Place, poet and criminal defense attorney
Victoria Campbell, artist, theorist and critic based in New York
Athina Karatzogianni, Professor in Media and Communication (University of Leicester, UK)
Andrew Fremont-Smith, writer and artist working in performance and theory
Bret Schneider, artist, musician, critic and Caesura co-founder
Marco Aurelio Torres, Chicago-based historian of 20th century art and politics
Grant Tyler, musician and Caesura editor
Moderated by Laurie Rojas, independent art critic based in Berlin and Caesura co-founder
Caesura is a forum where artists, writers, and critics can experiment with their work beyond the taboos and schemas of the art world. We connect cultural production in the present with the history of art in the past in order to clear the confusion that contemporary art discourse has sown.
For more information contact: editor@caesuramag.org
Download: Press Release for Jon Rafman’s Dream Journal, presented by Caesura

ISSUE 0 - Virtual Release Event
Dear friends of Caesura,
We hope you’ve had a chance to dip into Issue 0: Commitment. PDFs are flying off the shelves, and now it’s time to celebrate! We know Zoom fatigue is a thing, so we’ve decided to entertain you instead with a live soirée. We’ll feature and discuss work from our contributors and end with a DJ set. The party starts on Saturday, Oct 3 at 3pm EDT/9pm CEST via our website and Twitch.
There will be a chat function available, and your cameras and microphones won’t be on. No need to wear tuxedos, but do bring your beverage or poison of choice. This event is open to everyone, so please spread the word far and wide!
Thanks for your patience, support, and generosity. You’re helping us create a better Caesura and work on higher quality content for the coming year. //
The Editors