Raoul de Keyser: The Dialectical Freedom of Painting
Often, you'll hear a painter mutter enviously while looking at a painting something along the lines of ”Damn. He just did whatever the hell he wanted.” Variations of this phrase were doubtlessly uttered many times over the last month throughout the adjoining galleries of David Zwirner’s 19th Street location, where Raoul de Keyser’s paintings hang on the walls, their apparent haphazardness inoffensively contrasting with the sky-lit gallery space.
Nina Léger and Jean Daniélou: In conversation with Alix Le Méléder
This conversation of Alix Le Méléder with historian Nina Léger and philosopher Jean Daniélou originally took place at the artist’s home in Burgundy in the summer of 2015, four years after she had resolved to cease her activities as a painter.
The Noguchi Museum
Visiting the Noguchi Museum recently, I was struck by the difficulty of sculpture as art: how it's constrained by its physical presence to a degree that other media, like music, painting, and poetry, are not.
James Turrell’s ‘After Effect’ at Pace
After Effect — James Turrell’s latest “Wedgework” (recently presented by Pace) — takes up this question of the imaginary dimensions of time and space and their relationship to perception, memory, and thought.