Illuminations, Comics Adam Elkhadem Illuminations, Comics Adam Elkhadem

Gluck 10

The bonds are loosened and Gluck is free! Fighting, running, and bleeding his way across the wastelands, our hero aims to find his friends. Will Gluck’s homecoming be everything he expects? Fat chance!

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Illuminations, Comics Adam Elkhadem Illuminations, Comics Adam Elkhadem

Gluck 9

So shortly after beginning his adventures, Gluck comes face to face with certain death. Will his prayers save him from eternal darkness? If his past behavior is any indicator, he hasn’t a chance in Hell!

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Illuminations, Comics Adam Elkhadem Illuminations, Comics Adam Elkhadem

Gluck 8

Justice is served! Gluck, apprehended for his various crimes, faces the legal system. Will he fare well against the backbone of society, or will his own backbone feel the full weight of the law?

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Illuminations, Comics Adam Elkhadem Illuminations, Comics Adam Elkhadem

Gluck 7

There’s something particularly devilish about getting drunk in a church. Idle hands are the devil’s workshop, and with hands like Gluck’s some major surprises are in store for the clergy!

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Illuminations, Comics Adam Elkhadem Illuminations, Comics Adam Elkhadem

Gluck 6

Gluck is on the run! Renaissance festivals offer many opportunities to hide, especially right under someone’s nose. When that nose belongs to Gluck, the last place you’d look is far away indeed!

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