Criticism & Ambivalence
The new phenomenon of artists and critics eagerly hatching their careers, quickly cobbling together movements for their resumes, and planning for their retrospectives before they have anything to say, may sound vulgarly affirmative to those reared in the ‘60s communes or the ‘70s DIY subcultures.
Christian Jankowski Storms the House of Art
Jankowski keeps trying to grapple with the problematic relationship art has to society even though he cannot offer a solution.
Undeleting Garden of Delete: A Critical Intervention
Garden of Delete is the “determinate negation” of the Garden of Eden, whose claim to innocence it debunks.
Introspection and Electronic Music
Interiority is not anything other than a reflection on the social state of music itself.
The Genre of Silence
Silence has been metaphysicalized in contemporary art and music, and so a necessity has been made a virtue; a critical opportunity has been neutralized.
To Take Up the Incomprehensible
In the end an artwork can teach us, as a form of social knowledge, about how we experience our own experience in the face of the total industrial domination of life and, of course, art.
Artworks: A Closed System?
Being ambitious about art criticism is really about trying to grasp what has not been grasped, even and especially by the artists themselves.
Taste and Transformation
The disintegration of art criticism does not have a single locus. But it does coincide with another decline: the decline of the political Left as an active force in the shaping of history.