Criticism, Essays, Film, Art Omair Hussain Criticism, Essays, Film, Art Omair Hussain

Donald Judd: Crisis of the Aesthetic

In his writings on cultural objects, Adorno self-consciously employed a prismatic and monadological method. The idea was to approach each cultural object as a monad, as a self-contained entity that, if viewed properly, could prismatically illuminate the character of the social totality. This essay seeks to apply a similar method to a work by Donald Judd: Untitled (1967).

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Film, Art, Reviews Jessa Crispin Film, Art, Reviews Jessa Crispin

Martin Eden

We're casting about, looking for anything that could possibly make the world even slightly less terrible. It's not even that strange that our conversation about films is much louder and emotional than, say, immigration reform or tax policy or Wall Street regulation.

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