Criticism, Essays, Film, Art Omair Hussain Criticism, Essays, Film, Art Omair Hussain

Donald Judd: Crisis of the Aesthetic

In his writings on cultural objects, Adorno self-consciously employed a prismatic and monadological method. The idea was to approach each cultural object as a monad, as a self-contained entity that, if viewed properly, could prismatically illuminate the character of the social totality. This essay seeks to apply a similar method to a work by Donald Judd: Untitled (1967).

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Criticism, Essays Patrick Zapien Criticism, Essays Patrick Zapien

Crisis of Criticism

Why is it that so much writing on art today — ostensibly criticism — only skates on the surface of artworks, providing description, identifying a handful subjects and themes, maybe some precedents, and then a conclusion — or rather, an ending. The writing stops.

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Criticism, Essays Patrick Zapien Criticism, Essays Patrick Zapien

Sense and Non-Sense

The main problem that the artist encounters at work — the source of all their woes and triumphs — is that materials must be transformed: made to give what they cannot. Appearance is the mask of the true face beneath.

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Essays, Criticism Gabriel Almeida Essays, Criticism Gabriel Almeida

A Farewell to Carmen Herrera

The space of Herrera’s paintings is not the real space we “inhabit” in the gallery or otherwise, but rather the illusory world of images and vision. Hers is the dream ground which, for over hundreds of years, artists have used to tell us stories, to perpetuate the likeness of people and landscapes, or reflect their feelings and visions materialized in objects.

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Essays, Reflections, Art Caesura Essays, Reflections, Art Caesura

Caesura Roundtable: The NFT

The NFT phenomenon is a social, not technological, phenomenon emerging from the new money of the 21st century — the tech sector — working out its own culture and aesthetic tastes as an alternative to the self-critical or self-defeating aesthetic culture that has been dominant since the emergence of liberal society in the 19th century.

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Criticism, Reflections, Reviews Patrick Zapien Criticism, Reflections, Reviews Patrick Zapien

“With eyes like ripening fruit”: Manoucher Yektai at Karma

It’s not true that the world is ending — if anything, it already has. And yet life continues, alive in its death. These thoughts — speculations — give a perfunctory account of the work of the late painter and poet Manoucher Yektai, a member of the New York School whose first solo show in the city since 1984 opened at Karma two weeks ago.

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Criticism, Essays, Reflections Chloe Julius Criticism, Essays, Reflections Chloe Julius

When the Critics Saw

A work of art has never graced the cover of the journal October. Since the first issue was published in 1976, the front cover has only ever carried the journal’s allusive title, spelled out in large capitalised letters underneath the smaller italicised headings of ‘art’, ‘theory’, ‘criticism’ and ‘politics’ (in that order).

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