Criticism, Essays, Film, Art Omair Hussain Criticism, Essays, Film, Art Omair Hussain

Donald Judd: Crisis of the Aesthetic

In his writings on cultural objects, Adorno self-consciously employed a prismatic and monadological method. The idea was to approach each cultural object as a monad, as a self-contained entity that, if viewed properly, could prismatically illuminate the character of the social totality. This essay seeks to apply a similar method to a work by Donald Judd: Untitled (1967).

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Criticism, Reflections, Reviews Patrick Zapien Criticism, Reflections, Reviews Patrick Zapien

“With eyes like ripening fruit”: Manoucher Yektai at Karma

It’s not true that the world is ending — if anything, it already has. And yet life continues, alive in its death. These thoughts — speculations — give a perfunctory account of the work of the late painter and poet Manoucher Yektai, a member of the New York School whose first solo show in the city since 1984 opened at Karma two weeks ago.

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