Late Criticism | Two Essays by Fred Camper


Two Essays by Fred Camper

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Two Essays by Fred Camper

Two Essays by Fred Camper

A collection of two essays on film by artist and critic Fred Camper. 

“From the beginnings of my interest in cinema, then, I have expected a number of things from the medium at its best. A great film for me is first of all a coherent cinematic expression in which each image has a reason for being where it is and a reason for following the previous image: its filmic form is connected to some kind of meaning, however untranslatable that meaning may seem. The work as a whole affects me strongly, ecstatically: it seems ambitious and complete enough to offer, in its totality, not merely the self-expression of a personality but also some sense of a whole lived life, an entire consciousness, a whole form of thinking, a different possibility for being.”

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