Late Criticism | Modernism After Modernism by Clement Greenberg with an introduction by Troy Sherman


Modernism After Modernism by Clement Greenberg with an introduction by Troy Sherman

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Modernism After Modernism by Clement Greenberg with an introduction by Troy Sherman

Modernism After Modernism by Clement Greenberg with an introduction by Troy Sherman

How can art criticism and judgment persist in a time where even the memory of aesthetic experience is actively undermined?  A selection of Clement Greenberg’s late writings brings to the fore the reflections of one of the most important art critics as he tries to “cope with the decadence” of late-twentieth century art. The selection will include well-known essays such as Recentness of Sculpture (1967), and Complaints of an Art Critic (1967), as well as the less known Abstract, Representational, and So Forth (1974), and others. 

“All along the avant-garde had been accused of seeking originality for its own sake. And all along this had been a meaningless charge. As if genuine originality in art could be envisaged in advance, and could ever be attained by mere dint of willing. As if originality had not always surprised the original artist himself by exceeding his conscious intentions.”

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